Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Blogging Dora Style

After being pumped up by Fussy's pep talk, I ran over hear to share with you the theme song for NaBloblah blah:

We Did It! (sang to the tune of Dora the Explorer ending song)

We did it!
We did it!
Montaseema (Whatever that means in Spanish)
We did it!
We wrote in our blogs every day for a month!
We did it!
We did it!
It was really tough going, but we showed our stuff!
We did it!

Yay! I had such a good time writing blogs with you guys this month! What was your favorite part? Oh, I liked that part too! Thanks for helping!

(Clearly, NickJr has taken over my brain.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an absolute NUT!
Who's yo mama?