Wednesday, January 02, 2008

And a Happy New Year to You

I must say that I have been blessed in that I have never faced a new year thinking "wow, this past year just sucked" and this year is no exception. Of course, there are always the stresses that plague everyone, but life keeps moving and I try to remember that. I tell myself that a lot, "This too shall pass." And sometimes with the help of meds, it does.

2007 was a big year, Larry and I both turned 30, I got uplifted boobs, Peyton started kindergarten, there were no hurricanes that affected us, we remodeled our bathroom and installed new wooden floors, the list goes on and on. For 2008, we hope to quit adding to our debt, the boys and I are going to make it to church more, and we're turning the office into a weight room. Larry won his fantasy football league for the second year in a row, so that money will come in handy with the last endeavour.

If nothing else, I want to slow down, attempt to enjoy my children more, and just appreciate life. That, of course, will be the biggest task of all.


tamblair said...

Glad you made it through the holidays in one piece!

Rebecca said...

Sounds like you had an eventful 2007!