Peyton: On Saturdays when we go to
Shey: On Saturdays when we go to
P: Mom, on Saturdays when we
S: Mom, on Saturdays when we
P: Ugh, Mom (really fast) on Saturdays when we go to
S: (even faster) onSaturdayswhenwego
P: Shey! Stop!
S: Shey! Stop!
Mom: Shey, stop.
Shey: Sheeeey stooop
P: (bravely trying again with a bit of a whine) Mom, on Saturdays when we go to
S: onsaturdaysjfdkfnff (He quits making sense at this point, kinda like Steve Carrol's character in Bruce Almighty)
P: (half laughing, whining, crying) Mom! When we go to
S: (screaming) MOM! WHEN WE GO TO
We finally arrive at the field. I don't think Peyton ever got the whole sentence out.
The Blur

At Peyton's soccer celebration
That was my good laugh for the day. Don't you just love them!
I love them...All.
That was hilarious
We second children really LOVE to get to our older siblings. I feel sorry for Elijah at times, but not for Kevin as I still LOVE to get to him. Especially since it's a rare treat that something I do will really get to him.
Oh the joys of a second child!
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