Sunday afternoon was Peyton's first coach pitch t-ball game. Each of the players had three chances at hitting a pitch and then they were able to use the t if needed. Can I just brag about my son for a minute? I believe he was the only player on his team and maybe even the other team that didn't have to use the t once in his three times at bat!
In the first inning, he even hit the very first pitch thrown to him.
I was so proud of him I could barely stop from puffing up my chest. Some of those poor players still don't know how to really stand, and they had no clue how to swing at a ball coming towards them rather than just sitting on the t.
I was so proud of Larry too. He gets out there at least a couple of times a week with Peyton and practices with him.
I realize all kids don't like sports, but Peyton is really enjoying the game. He gets so into it with his game face and all. And since he likes it so much, I'm happy that he's playing well.
That's MY grandson!
Isn't it fun to see them excel at something they actually enjoy? Good for you guys!
That is great!
That is really great. Todd loves soccer. HE loves to run so that is the best sport for him. He also does well. He has good control to be so young. I think it is fun to watch him.
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