Wednesday, December 05, 2007

All Bubbly Inside

Today when I went to the school to help my reader, T, the first thing she asked me was, "Where were you last week?" I explained about my grandfather dying and that I had to go to Alabama for a few days. She understood, but I was a little annoyed that her teacher hadn't let her know I wasn't coming. The annoyance was quickly overshadowed as I watched as T took an AR test, and then we decorated a couple of small trees that her teacher had brought in. She skipped around the room and complimented me on my mad decorating skills.

As the class came inside from recess and T went to her seat, the teacher stopped me and said with a big smile, "I don't know what you did, but T loves reading now. It's like night and day."

If that doesn't make your heart swell with happiness, I just don't know what will.


tamblair said...

Isn't it amazing how children other than your own respond more positively to you! You have obviously made a good impression on her. You are doing a real good thing.

Anonymous said...

I bet that would be annoying.. Sounds like you've done a great job with T!!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful!!! What a great thing to do - help someone discover the TREASURE in books!

carrie said...

You helped T overcome a big obsticle! Teaching a chold to enjoy reading is a big deal. Keep up the good work. You may be the only positive influence she has!

Dixie said...

You are doing a great thing!! You should be proud!

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