Monday, October 18, 2010

100 Postcards

Shey's classroom is trying to collect 100 postcards from different areas. If anyone would be interested in helping them out, please shoot me a message and I will send you the address for the school and his teacher's name. I'll be your best friend! (So, yes, Tamara, you have to do it. ha)


Chelle said...

You know I would be happy to send one :)

tamblair said...

No........ you are already my best friend, so I don't HAVE to do it. But I would love to send one because I am your BFF!!!! Oooooohhhh.... now I have to go find a fun postcard. Where does one purchase a post card?????

carrie said...

I will do it just shoot me the information.

Amanda said...

Is it too late? If not shoot me the info and I'll send a few as were traveling over the holiday:-)