Wednesday, June 02, 2010


This weekend, my high school graduating class celebrated its 15th year of freedom and can I just say that I feel incredibly blessed. While high school is high school, I can't say that I just hated that time in my life. Of course, classes drug on and on, boyfriends, well a boyfriend, broke my heart several times, and self confidence was not always high, but I had friends. Real friends.

Many of my classmates were together from elementary school, as early as first or second grade and those that came later, joined us in junior high. There were so few of us, that we had to stick together. Some of my best girlfriends were in chorus with me for four years, sharing adventures with Mr. T., trips all over the south and our weekly Sunday night performances. Most of these girls also went to the same church, which included more trips together, youth group fun and hanging out most weekends. These are the girls that I made up crazy stories with, shared intimate details of my life with and leaned on to make it through the school day.

After we graduated, some of us drifted for a while, but with facebook and blogging, we've been able to reconnect over the past five years and I am so grateful. I'm not sure if it is because I don't have any siblings, but there's just something about having friends who have known me for years and years. I loved being able to laugh with them over the crazy things we did in high school. To know that our paths may have woven through life differently, but they still love me for me.

I know any of the women that I spent time with this weekend would drop anything to help me out and I would do the same for them. I love you guys and can't wait to see you again!

PS - Next time, we must take pictures!


Rebecca said...

Wasn't it neat to feel like the years had just melted away. I will always cherish the many friendships that were made! We definately have to get together next time you are in town!
P.S. Here are two things I will always remember. At the church across the street from your house is where I first got to see fireworks. (Your dad shot them off.) Also, I watched my first R rated movie at your house :)

tamblair said...

It was so great to see everyone! We must do the all girls thing... and I will get out my camera next time! I was just enjoying talking too much!

Kristin said...

Love you back. A spa weekend sounds great... in fact, come back because I need one NOW!

carrie said...

It was such a great trip but was too fast! I agree with Kristin let's get together now for that spa! Love you!